Frequently Asked Questions

Home Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

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Why and how to become a Member?

Non-members have only access to online information and services on the Global Valve Solution website which have a free access without any registration including the most complete and up-to-date valve & actuator manufacturers database on the market. Becoming a Member will give you online access to much more information and services and also significant discounts on offline services and studies.


To become a member please register within the “Members” tab of the home menu.

Why and how to become a Partner?

Global Valve Solution is encouraging new business partners to join or create new business units with online access or offline activities related to valves & actuators. If you have an idea of a new type of valves services or studies do not hesitate to contact us in order to discuss all partnership options. As a business partner you will have access to some areas of the Global Valve Solution website where members and non-members do not have access to and will also be able to influence and update the business unit web pages which are related to your partnership agreement.


To become a Partner please register with your contact details and business idea within the “Partners” tab of the home menu

How to add a valve/actuator manufacturer to the Global Valve Solution valve & actuator manufacturers database?

In order to add a valve/actuator manufacturer please fill in the online questionnaire which can be found at the bottom of the “Directory” tab of the home menu. Please fill in the contact details portion fully so that we could contact you to validate the corresponding company data sheet data before publishing it on this website. There is no cost to be part of this online directory – the most complete of the market – for the standard format. In case you would prefer having a special format and or any advertising please contact us. Together we will review with you the different options based on your specific needs and wants.


If you identify some valve/actuator manufacturers which are not already included in the database, please do not hesitate to contact us with as many details on this company as possible so that we could approach them and add them to this online directory.

Why and how to advertise on ?

With the daily number of users, members and partners of the Global Valve Solution website increasing at a fast pace globally, your valve related business message advertising will have one of the best if not the best reach through this website, and at a very reasonable cost. You will not regret this investment while being associated in one way or the other to the recognized GVS quality label.


Our advertising team will be happy to assist you with all your specific needs/wants in order to maximize the impact on your company/organization bottom line. At present our standard advertising options range from USD 100 to 10,000 based on the different options available for a year of coverage. We will also be glad to discuss any special advertising option that could best fit with your targets and goal.

What does the GVS Quality Label mean for your business/organization?

GVS (Global Valve Solution) is widely recognized as a global quality label for valve related data, tools and services. Being associated with the GVS Quality Label in one way or the other, including through advertising, will yield to a significant increase of your business sales and profits, and to a certain recognition status.


As an individual contributor or as a business partner, you will also significantly benefit from the GVS Quality Label as it will open new doors for your own projects, business or organization.

What is unique about GVS?

Its “Vision / Mission / Approach”, as mentioned in the home page, is unique within the global valve industry. Before you will even realize it, you will start using the Global Valve Solution website on a daily basis as it provides so many things you need in one place. That is the one solution for all your valve related needs. It is easy to use and you definitely can afford it.


The GVS organization and services will grow as your company/organization will grow as they will become more and more dependent on each other in the best way there is through mutual benefits. As result this unique Valve Portal has indeed the power of connecting all the players of the global valve industry (End-Users, EPCs, OEMs, Skid Manufacturers, Valve Manufacturers, Distributors, Traders, etc.).

Where Are Our Valve Experts & Business Partners Located?

Global Valve Solution has truly a global reach. Our Valve Experts and Business Partners are located on all continents and in 67 countries at present and growing. Our goal is to reach over 100 countries with our local faces leveraging our global technical and commercial expertise within the next two years.


We welcome new valve talented individuals or companies from all over the world to join the Global Valve Solution momentum by enlarging our global team to keep better serving the valve industry.

Finance Questions

New around here ? Start With the Basics

What are the different levels of membership and their costs and benefits?

Hereafter are the different membership levels for individuals and their costs and benefits:

  1. Non-Members have FREE access limited to the free area of the website – for example the GVS valve manufacturer directory and the GVS newsletter – and no discounts to paid services and studies. 
  2. Individual Membership to a Specific Type of Service has an entry fee of USD 100 plus the annual fee of USD 100 with automatic renewal except if you cancel membership before renewal date. There is no fee for cancelling this membership level. This will give you access to the corresponding area of the website. It will also give you a 10% discount on all additional paid services and studies.
  3. Premium Individual Membership Package has an entry fee of USD 1,000 plus the annual fee of USD 1,000 with automatic renewal except if you cancel membership before renewal date. There is no fee for cancelling this membership level. This will give you access to all areas of the website open to members. It will also give you a 20% discount on all additional paid services and studies.
  4. Honorary Individual Membership has no specific entry fee nor annual fee. It is for life by definition from the date the GVS Board of Directors has nominated the individual as an “Honorary Member”. It can only be revoked upon decision of the GVS Board of Directors.
  5. Individual Sponsors can give a one-time goodwill financial support of any amount greater than USD 10 in order to contribute to the overall development of the unique Global Valve Solution approach which is greatly supporting the global valve industry and all its players. They can be included in the Global Valve Solution Individual Sponsors List published online if they wish so.


Hereafter are the different membership levels for companies/organizations and their costs and benefits:

  1. Non-Members have FREE access limited to the free area of the website – for example the GVS valve manufacturer directory and the GVS newsletter – and no discounts to paid services and studies.
  2. Company/Organization Membership to a Specific Type of Service has – per group of 5 employees of same company/organization – an entry fee of USD 300 plus the annual fee of USD 300 with automatic renewal except if you cancel membership before renewal date. There is no fee for cancelling this membership level. This will give you access to the corresponding area of the website. It will also give you a 10% discount on all additional paid services and studies.
  3. Premium Company/Organization Membership Package has – per group of 5 employees of same company/organization – an entry fee of USD 3,000 plus the annual fee of USD 3,000 with automatic renewal except if you cancel membership before renewal date. There is no fee for cancelling this membership level. This will give you access to all areas of the website open to members. It will also give you a 20% discount on all additional paid services and studies.
  4. Company/Organization Sponsors can give a one-time goodwill financial support of any amount greater than USD 100 in order to contribute to the overall development of the unique Global Valve Solution approach which is greatly supporting the global valve industry and all its players. They can be included in the Global Valve Solution Company/Organization Sponsors List published online if they wish so. For one-time contributions greater than USD 1,000 they will become “Silver Sponsor” and for one-time contributions greater than USD 5,000 they will become “Gold Sponsor“. Gold & Silver Sponsors can have their company logos advertised in the different areas of the web-sites allocated to Gold & Silver Sponsors. Some Gold members may become eligible to become “Platinum Sponsor” based on the decision of the GVS Board of Directors. Platinum Sponsors will receive additional privileges including additional free advertising in some specific areas of the website.


Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details on the different membership & sponsorship levels.

What are the different types of partnership and related financial contributions?

Hereafter are the different partnership types and related financial contributions and benefits:

  1. Business Unit Partner: Your investment in time and/or money will give you shares of the corresponding business unit relating to a specific valve-related service type.
  2. Advertising Partner: Your financial investment will showcase your company, products and services on specific web pages of your choice based on your needs and wants.
  3. Global Valve Solution Website Partner: Your investment in time and/or money will contribute to the development of the overall Global Valve Solution Website and business approach. AS such your will received the financial benefits as agreed within the specific partnership agreement.


Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details on the different partnership types.

How do I pay for the GVS online data, tools and services?

As you have probably noticed certain data, tools and services are free. Others have a fee. You can pay online the fees with your credit card or by wire transfer. Same goes for the different membership fees.


Certain services like dedicated market research studies have payment terms usually including a 50% down payment and the remaining 50% to be paid upon completion of the study and the receipt of the corresponding report.

Pricing and Plans Guide

This guide is still under development.


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Other Finance Related FAQ

This guide is still under development.


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Information Technology Questions

New around here ? Start With the Basics

Which operating software can I use to access this website?

All major operating software having internet browser like Chrome or Internet Explorer can be used.


For any specific online access software please do not hesitate to contact us.

Which hardware can I use to access this website?

This guide is still under development.


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Who and how to contact if any part of this website does not work properly?

This guide is still under development.


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How to download and upload information on this website?

This guide is still under development.


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Request a Call Back

 Based on the services and studies we offer (see corresponding home header menu) we will be glad to call you back and discuss your needs and how we could fulfill them.

+971 55 570 2650