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We are Hiring

We are continuously hiring new talents for our headquarters organization and for specific business units and dedicated teams. Each service type listed on this valve portal is a business unit. Hereafter are a few examples of open positions:

Area Sales Manager - 2 Posts

Job Descriptions:


The Area Sales Manager positions are based at our GVS headquarters in Dubai. It will cover certain GVS business units and certain countries based on the profile of the applicant. Excellent analytical and time management skills required. All assignments will be valve and actuator related.


Desired Skills:


  • Engineering degree required
  • At least 5 year of professional valve related sales experience
  • Fluent in English plus at least a second language
  • Travel about 30% of the time
  • Develop new customer base online and offline
  • Good contract negotiation skills required
  • Geographic area will be defined based on capabilities

Business Unit Assistant - 2 Posts

Job Descriptions:


The Business Unit Assistant positions will assist management, sales and administration for that specific GVS business unit. It requires good secretarial and communications skills. No travel outside of Dubai needed. The more languages the better but must be fluent in English. This position requires an outgoing personality while avoiding any conflicts.


Desired Skills:


  • At least 3 years of professional experience as secretary/receptionist
  • Good knowledge of Word, Excel, PowerPoint needed
  • Speed and reliability are essential
  • Long term commitment to the company is expected
  • Confidentiality of information shared with the managers and clients
  • Contributing to keeping the customer relaxed and happy is the target

IT Manager - 1 Post

Job Description:


The Information Technology (IT) Manager will be responsible of the GVS Group online servers, computers and phones (hardware and software). Most of the assignment will be related to the ongoing Global Valve Solution website development and maintenance with the help of external resources as needed. It requires a high sense of integrity and reliability.


Desired Skills:


  • At least three years of experience in IT management
  • Previous experience in WordPress website development and maintenance
  • Previous experience in PC troubleshooting with Microsoft software base
  • Flexibility with working hours needed in order to solve IT emergencies
  • Speed and reliability is a must
  • Fluent in English

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    [email protected]
    (888) 123-4567


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